Kathryn's Blog

More on TrueDater and Googling

In Tall, Dark and Lying, Kathleen Megan does some chatty dishing about TrueDater.com, a site I have written about before. Megan’s article is worth a gander though, because she gives a real feel for how singles are using the site as part of the screening process for new potential mates.

To continue my drum-pounding of “Don’t ever lie” online, TrueDater is becoming part of normal procedure for experienced Internet daters. Just like Googling, which no one had heard of just a few short years ago. In fact, Google just turned 7, so it wasn’t even a twinkle in its founders’ eye when Drew and I bumped into each other on Match.com in 1998. Google certainly hadn’t become a verb, as it is now.

Googling, for the uninformed, is the process of doing a search on a new date’s name using the powerful search engine Google. If you haven’t done so already, go to Google.com and type in your own name, in quotation marks: A search on my name would be “Kathryn Lord” and Google comes up with 932 different entries containing “Kathryn Lord”.

All are not me, though—there are some other Kathryn Lord’s in the world, it seems. However, the lion’s share of the entries are me: 619 of them. Hey, I’ve got some good coverage going on in CyberSpace, huh?

Here’s how I found out the 619 without counting every one: Scroll to the bottom of the page of any search you do using Google. Click the link “Search within results” and another Google window comes up. Add a key word likely only to be associated with your name—I added “romance” and that took out virtually every entry that was me.

I am very findable online, clearly. You will be, if you are not already. Keep your cyber nose clean: Monitor what’s out there under your name. Be careful what you post, and… Tell the Truth! And behave yourself, or you may find yourself unfavorably reviewed on sites like TrueDater.com.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



I dunno. I just don’t see the value of truedater.com. And I wouldn’t have the slightest fear if I was a guy to lie to my heart’s content. All you have to do is to delete your profile or rename it and truedater.com loses its visibility to you. A basic flaw of the site.


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