Kathryn's Blog

Look at the Numbers! Research On Online Dating

I like seeing research coming out that looks into my favorite topic, online dating.

Eli Ashkenazi reported at haaretz.com on a study conducted at Tel-Hai Academic College. The authors of the study were Dr. Gary Treiger, Sharon Egozi, and Dror Tahan of the School of Social Work there.

While respondents reported that they preferred to meet potential partners via friends or at work, in actuality, 76% of the women and 85% of the men use the Internet exclusively to find dates. Even though the Internet is less favored than other methods, it’s what everyone seems to be using, by a large margin.

Here’s one of the most interesting pieces of information from this study: 35% of the men—compared with only 25% of the women—prefer the passive approach and do not send out any introductory emails at all! Over 1/3 of the men (!!!) wait to be contacted.

This absolutely goes along with my advice to women: Don’t wait for the men to contact you. You are much more likely to get what you want if you do the picking. And look at all those guys who are waiting for you to get in touch!

The study also found that both men (94%) and women (83%) maintain multiple online relationships at the same time. This does not surprise me, and actually, I think it is a good idea. Relationships that start online have many points at which things can fall apart. Until you have met in real time and have a firmly budding relationship developing, including the “Let’s only see each other” discussion, keep your options open and don’t get too focused on any one person. You don’t have the time to waste.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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