Kathryn's Blog

A First Person Report On The Senior Bachelor

I’ve gotten a lot of traffic to my blog because of postings I did months ago ( (4/24, 4/29, 4/29, and 5/9) about Richard Roe, the Senior Bachelor. And guess what? One of the women who got to a face to face meeting/screening with Roe wrote a first-hand report. Here it is:


I would love for the hundreds of women that Richard Roe has taken pictures of to know that now the photos are on the web for other men to look at. We all knew and signed papers, but never did anyone of us think he was such a cad that he would start his web page on senior dating before he even picked the one he wanted.

This whole thing was about money and is a surprise to me at least.

I did meet Richard Roe and did have my twenty minute meeting with him. HE IS A CAD. Now he wants to meet with twelve women and then pick six to take on a trip, one month each. What happen to finding the one? Also, he has already invited someone that had something to do with Pop and Me to be on part of the trip. Like I was, these women are so wrapped up in the dream he is promising that they don’t see anything else.

Roe will not let you write on his blog if you do not identify yourself. There were people on that were telling how it really is and he would delete them as soon as he found them. The whole thing has been a scam from day one. He changed the rules every time we would turn around. Now you have to be God, which was never said before.

I just had this gut feeling when I meet him that he had a different agenda.


Doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve had my doubts from the start.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord




So, you take anyone’s word on something and then pass judgment? Have you ever emailed this guy and asked him questions? Do you personally know anyone who has applied to go on the trip or went to any of the events where he met the women face to face? Did you read any of the comments from women who have met him, talked to him and reported about him? Do you not think the Oprah folks do their due diligence? Do some homework before you accuse someone of something. “Better to keep quiet and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Right now I can say you are a fraud—- would you just agree with me? Do some work and check it out or you are just as bad as you think he is. I know for a fact he answers all of his emails.

Hmmm.  Interesting.  If the writer above had read all my postings about Richard Roe that I linked to in this posting, the writer would be well aware that I have done considerable homework on The Single Bachelor.  I wonder about the intensity the writer exhibits—where’s that coming from?  And it’s very easy to write like that anonymously.

I have been a part of the fun of the Roe search for “special someones”;  not one of the chosen, but not devastated.  It would be difficult to find one lovely lady from the wonderful selections he has to work with. I’m proud to know that there are so many talented, attractive, interesting and adventurous “Baby Boomers” available for fun and adventure, and I feel that the entire escapade has been fun to follow.  I also appreciate your opinions, but my picture has not appeared anywhere on the computer, and it is my understanding from the newsletter that the only way to get on the computer is to re-submit information and a new photo.  If Miranda is referring to group photos taken at “meet the bachelor” events, that is a different story.  A passerby could have appeared in one of those.  They were to be publicized to spark interest in future endeavors.  To date, I’m not convinced RR is disreputable, and I’m still following along.  Perhaps he will introduce a new dating service, but, only time will tell.  It’s all very speculative to date, but entertaining, just like other computer columns and typical entertainment of the times. He has also answered my e-mails.

Your research has left you lacking:  Richard Roe is in his early 60’s - not mid 50’s.

I have not seen any Richard Roe photos on the computer of women who applied for consideration.  Can you direct me to website page to view the photos?  I’ve only seen the group pics.

Hmmm.  I just reviewed my postings, as it looks like the writer did, and the only place that I found that I mentioned age was in the piece I wrote about the movie he and his son made “Pop and Me” where I did say he was in his mid-fifties.  At the time of the movie, (over 6 years ago), that’s how old he would have been.

Richard Roe announced he has prostrate cancer and will have surgery and the whole trip thing is off.

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