Kathryn's Blog

SAQ #5 Should I get help writing my profile essay??


Your profile package: photos, essay, and all those questions you answer, becomes your 24/7 billboard advertizing you and what you are looking for.  Think about it: Would any business wanting to market a product (let’s say McDonald’s and Big Macs) would post on a billboard a first or second draft description, along with a picture taken with a cell phone camera into the bathroom mirror?  If they did, McDonald’s would never be able to say they had sold billions and billions.

Not only is your profile package your advertisement to the world, but also it is the beginning of a conversation with your potential mate for life.  You want to present your best self, while telling the absolute truth, and engage the reader so that he or she will email you back.  This is not an easy task.

Also, many people have a hard time writing about themselves.  As well, they may not have a realistic or even positive view of how they come across. 

I very seldom see a profile package that needs no improvement.  Why take the risk with what may be the most important document you will ever write?  Get help.  It will be worth every penny.

PS I’ve love to help you with your profile.  Go here to find out how—check out Platinum Profile Workup and Rehab.



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