Kathryn's Blog

Stats from Match.com

In an interview in 11/06/05’s New York Times, Match.com’s CEO Jim Safka dropped some interesting stats. In the intro paragraph, writer William J. Holstein stated that Match.com has 1.1 million subscribers. Safka said that Match.com’s research of American singles indicates that there are 90 million singles over 18, of which 33 million are currently looking for a serious relationship. Match.com’s typical customer is in their mid 30’s, 55% are men, and 45% women. Interestingly, Safka says their customers fall into three groups, and not by age or gender: The “broaden my options” group, who were early adopters of Internet dating and Match.com’s core group; The “find my match” group who evidently want the site to do the matching for them; And the “give me help” segment. The delineator is how confident they are with computers and the Internet, and how much help they want from the site.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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