Kathryn's Blog

An Online Dating Wedding

My friend Meg drove to Louisiana last weekend for the wedding of
her guy friend Shef.  Why is that of interest to you?  Well,
because Shef met his bride on eHarmony during 2006. Come to find
out (via Meg), Shef’s new sister-in-law met her spouse online

I don’t know all the details, since I haven’t seen Shef since he
fell in love—he’s been spending a lot of time on I-10 between
here and there.  But I do know that Shef is Of a Certain Age
(over 50), and apparently the two are going to conduct their
marriage long distance while her daughters finish high school.
Yea for them both, and my heartiest congratulations!

You know that I am all in favor of online romance.  And I
understand long distance ones, too.  Drew and I were 482 miles
apart, door to door, when we met.  Lucky for both of us, I could
move and did, or we would have been burning up the miles like
Shef and his Sweetie.

Online daters have gotten spoiled in a comparatively short time,
not wanting to travel at all for love.  But I wanted the best,
and he was an eight hour drive away.

Just two years ago, WeddingChannel.com’s survey found that “12%
of engaged or recently married couples met online.”  I was wowed
by that figure then. reported on January 4, 2007,
that a survey by WedAlert.com found that 20% of the respondents
met through the Internet.  Wow, WOW!

A year ago, eHarmony claimed slightly over 90 marriages a DAY.
I’m not crazy about eHarmony for a variety of reasons.  You can
read some of them on my blog (category: eHarmony):
But hey, you can’t quarrel with eHarmony’s success, and that they
have spent the money to track it.

Internet dating is HOT!  And this is the best time EVER to get
online and look for love.  Remember, memberships on dating sites
go up around 30% between now and Valentine’s day.  That means new
faces, maybe one of them your future spouse.  Get on and get

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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