Kathryn's Blog

Where do you find what you want if few exist?

Tim is looking for a “Holy Spirit filled woman” which probably cuts out 99% of potential candidates.  See my advice below. 

Happy Valentines Day, Kathryn. Thanks for the offer to help. Here’s what I’m dealing with.

I’ve been online dating for 5 years without many takers. Of these it’s half don’t like me and half I don’t like. I’ve got a list of scores of women who never reply.  And with these results, I’m not going to pay much if any for a service.

My problem is I believe in Jesus and want a Holy Spirit filled woman. You know it’s a flashing stop sign when anything like that shows up in a profile. I can’t meet anyone at church, and I try going to different churches. And a lot of Christian Denominations are not really alive with the Spirit either; I’m not a follower of any denomination.

If you have any suggestions, that would be great! Otherwise, I’m just going to wait on the Lord, and try to make myself ready.

Thanks Again, Tim

Hi Tim – I am astounded that you have not been meeting the kind of women you are looking for in church.  In my experience, churches have far more women attending than men, many of them single, and lots more than eager to meet a Christian man.  I’d seek out the kind of churches that attracted people like you (Jesus believers and filled with the Holy Spirit) and attend regularly.  Get to know the people there and let them know you are looking and welcoming of introductions.

Your issue here is that you are looking for a specific quality that probably cuts out 90% of eligible women, if not 99%.  Therefore, you have to figure out where these women are in concentration, and go fishing there.  Church would be first on my list.  The other suggestion I would have is a Christian dating site like ChristianCafe.com (http://christiancafe.com/)

Additionally, your experience is typical: ”I’ve been online dating for 5 years without many takers. Of these it’s half don’t like me and half I don’t like. I’ve got a list of scores of women who never reply.”  A very high percentage of non response is normal.  Expect it.  And “And with these results, I’m not going to pay much if any for a service.”?  Sounds sort of cheap to me.  Dating sites – the big ones, anyway – are a BARGAIN at less than a dollar a day.  How are they going to get any better at serving singles unless we all pay our share?  Kathryn




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